There are a few, but none are properly supported for Macs. Apple does not offer any video card with support, so it would have to be an aftermarket card.Regarding 4K video on a 2010/2012 Mac Pro-several things are at issue: MPG: Please consider buying stuff through ads on this site or at, or subscribing to diglloyd publications, thank you-this helps.
If I wanted to buy one of the NEC or Dell wide-gamut 4K monitors, AND wanted to purchase a pre-2013 Mac Pro … did any of them come with GPUs that could support 4k? If not, do you have any recommendations? I can’t find an answer to this question and wonder if I haven’t looked in the right place. I love the site and your exhaustive reviews! SEND FEEDBACK Related: 2013 Mac Pro, 4K and 5K display, computer display, Glenn K, GPU, Mac Pro, Photoshop, video